
Student Pilot Insurance: What You Need to Know in 2024

Student Pilot Insurance What You Need to Know in 2023

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Student pilot insurance is an essential consideration for anyone learning to fly. While it is not a legal requirement, protecting yourself and others in case of an accident is highly recommended.

This article will discuss everything you need to know about student pilot insurance in 2024, including what it is, why you need it, and how to get it. We will also explore why student pilots should invest in insurance and the potential risks of flying without it.

Whether you are a new student pilot or an experienced aviator, this guide will provide valuable insights into student pilot insurance.

What Is student pilot insurance? 

Student pilot insurance is a type of aviation insurance that provides coverage for individuals learning to fly an aircraft. While base operator’s (FBO) insurance may cover some damages, it is important for student pilots to have their policy to ensure they are fully protected in case of an accident.

What Is student pilot insurance
What Is student pilot insurance?

The type of aircraft being flown, the aircraft’s owner, and the student pilot’s specific needs are all critical factors determining the coverage needed. Physical damage to the plane and property are some of the risks that student pilots face, and total accidents can be costly.

An Avemco Student Pilot Policy with Aircraft Damage coverage is a good start for any student pilot to protect themselves from these risk factors. While term insurance may be the most affordable, experienced pilots may need more coverage.

Aviation insurance covers a wide range of individuals, from private pilots to airline pilots, and it is important to find the right insurance cover for your specific needs. 

Certificated pilots, whether private or commercial, can also benefit from having their aviation insurance policy in addition to any coverage provided by the FBO or aircraft owner. Pilots must evaluate their individual needs and risks when selecting an insurance policy.

Factors such as the type and frequency of flying, the value of the aircraft, and the pilot’s level of experience should all be considered. AOPA offers a range of insurance options for certificated pilots, including coverage for bodily injury, property damage, and aircraft damage.

By finding the right insurance coverage, pilots can have peace of mind knowing they are fully protected in case of an accident or incident. 

How Do I Get Student Pilot Insurance? 

Getting student pilot insurance is an essential decision for any student pilot.

How Do I Get Student Pilot Insurance 

Here are some steps to take to get started:

  1. Research: As with any insurance policy, it’s important to research and compare policies from different insurance companies to find the best coverage for your needs.
  2. Check with your flight school: Some flight schools may require your insurance policy, while others may include coverage as part of their base operator’s (FBO) insurance. It’s important to check with your school to see if they have any specific requirements or recommendations.
  3. Choose the type of coverage: There are different types of coverage available, including liability insurance, aircraft damage coverage, and physical damage coverage. It’s essential to consider the type of aircraft you’ll be flying and any specific risks or needs you may have.
  4. Contact an insurance provider: Once you have researched and chosen the coverage you need, you can contact an aviation insurance provider to get a quote and purchase your policy. Some popular insurance providers for student pilots include Avemco and XINSURANCE.

What’s the Cost of Student Pilot Insurance? 

Student pilot insurance costs vary depending on factors such as the amount of coverage required, the flying one does, and the level of experience. Although no official federal requirement obligates a student pilot to carry their insurance, some schools or FBOs may require it. It is essential for student pilots to recognize the potential financial risks involved in flying and to mitigate them with insurance coverage.

What’s the Cost of Student Pilot Insurance

The cost of student pilot insurance will depend on various factors, such as the level of coverage required, the type of flying, and the level of experience. Annual premiums for student pilots without experience can be as low as $71 for minimum liability coverage.

However, adding $20,000 in hull coverage could increase the rate to $286. The average annual premium for student pilot insurance ranges between $100 and $500.

It is important to note that a student pilot’s insurance policy may not provide adequate coverage, and the coverage amounts under their school’s policy may be too low. Therefore, student pilots must review their policies carefully and ensure sufficient coverage to protect themselves from financial risks.

Private pilot insurance requirements

Private pilot insurance requirements vary depending on several factors, such as the type of aircraft being flown, the pilot’s experience level, and the coverage needed. However, there are some general guidelines and recommendations that private pilots should be aware of when considering insurance coverage.

Firstly, it is recommended that pilots purchase liability insurance coverage that provides bodily injury limits of at least $200,000 per passenger for injuries and up to $1 million for all passengers. This coverage is intended to protect the pilot in an accident where they are deemed at fault and held liable for damages or injuries.

In addition to liability insurance, aircraft insurance pilot requirements may include hull insurance, which covers damage to the aircraft in case of accidents, theft, or other types of damage. However, the need for hull insurance may depend on the value of the aircraft and whether or not it is being financed.

When purchasing insurance, reviewing the policy and any sub-limits is essential to ensure that the coverage is adequate and covers all possible scenarios. Pilots should also review their insurance policy at least once a year to ensure it meets their needs.

Finally, insurance companies may have their requirements for pilots, such as minimum flight hours or experience in a specific make and model of aircraft. These requirements may affect the cost of the insurance premium.

Reasons You Need Pilot Insurance 

Pilot insurance is vital for approved and student pilots to protect themselves from accidents, aircraft damage, and lawsuits.

Reasons You Need Pilot Insurance 

Here are some reasons why you need pilot insurance:

It is important to consider that As an approved pilot on someone else’s insurance, you can still be held responsible for any deductible. It is worth carefully considering the Pitfalls of being a named pilot on someone else’s insurance policy.

Pilot Liability Insurance Information 

Pilot liability insurance covers pilots against legal liability for bodily injury, property damage, or personal injury while operating an aircraft. The application process, property damage liability, liability policies, and coverage are essential aspects of this insurance.


The application process involves providing flight experience and aircraft information. Property damage liability covers damage to others’ property due to the insured aircraft. Liability policies cover bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury.

Adequate liability coverage is necessary to protect assets, which may depend on the aircraft, passengers, and operations. The liability coverage you need may depend on the aircraft you operate, the number of passengers you carry, and the nature of your operations.

Drone insurance typically covers two areas of risk: liability and physical damage to the drone itself, also known as hull coverage.

Drone hull insurance is the most basic type of drone insurance, covering damage to the drone itself, and it is recommended that all drone pilots have this type of coverage.

Commercial drone insurance policies can cost as little as $563 a year for $1 million in liability coverage, and drone owners and operators will need insurance coverage for safety, privacy, and cybersecurity risks.

With pilot liability coverage from XINSURANCE, safeguard your assets.

Pilot liability insurance from XINSURANCE offers customized coverage that protects pilots from liability risks that other insurance policies may not cover, including personal, commercial, and student pilots, CFIs, AMTs, helicopters, rotorcrafts, homebuilt, and kit planes.


XINSURANCE’s liability coverage is unique and tailored to suit the specific needs of pilots, providing peace of mind and protection against a “sue-happy” society. Contact XINSURANCE at (877) 585-2853 or to purchase customized liability insurance coverage that will protect you in all areas your other insurance policies won’t or can’t cover. 

Request a Quote for your specialized pilot insurance.

Several options are available if you request a Student pilot insurance quote for customized pilot insurance. You can contact insurance companies like AssuredPartners Aerospace or XINSURANCE, who offer customized liability insurance coverage for pilots.

Request your quote for customized pilot insurance.

Additionally, you can use a template to write an email requesting a quote from a supplier. When writing the email, clearly state the type of insurance coverage you seek and provide relevant details about your situation.

You can also work with a broker like Travers Aviation Insurance to negotiate the best terms for your risk. The cost of pilot insurance can vary, with the average pilot general liability insurance cost being $82 per month or $984 per year for $1 million in coverage.

Who Can Pilot Insurance Cover? 

Aviation insurance policies can cover a variety of pilots, including private and commercial pilots, student pilots, and even pilots of experimental kit aircraft or very light jets. These policies can cover liability, in-flight damage, damage to the plane, medical expenses, and disability.

The cost and coverage of such policies can vary significantly depending on factors such as the type of policy, aircraft, flight, and pilot experience.

Who Can Pilot Insurance Cover 

Pilot Instructors 

Pilot insurance for flight instructors is essential to protect against potential liabilities. Independent agents can assist in finding suitable insurance policies that cover various aspects of flight training, including flight hours.

Flight instructors must have certain ratings to provide specific types of training, such as instrument ratings appropriate to the aircraft used for the instrument training. Policies can also cover accidental death benefits and impairment riders, but policies issued with ratings do not constitute policy delivery. 

Student Pilots 

As a student pilot, it is vital to consider purchasing renter’s or non-owned aircraft insurance to protect yourself from damages or medical expenses while flying an aircraft. While there isn’t a federal requirement for student pilots to carry their insurance, it is a decision that the individual should make, and some flight schools or FBOs may have it as part of their agreement.

Annual premiums for student pilots without experience can be as low as $71 for minimum liability coverage. 

Personal or Professional Pilots 

Pilot insurance for personal or professional pilots offers liability coverage beyond standard insurance policies. It can also include life insurance and disability coverage. Insurance carriers offer customized coverage based on the pilot’s specific needs and risks. 

Aircraft Schools 

Aircraft schools can purchase liability insurance to protect against damages or injuries caused during flight training. Annual premiums for student pilots with no experience can start at $71 for minimum liability coverage. Flight schools can also purchase insurance for property damage and hull coverage for their aircraft. 

Commercial Airline Pilots 

Commercial pilots typically have access to employer-provided insurance, which includes coverage for job-related risks such as accidents and medical emergencies. However, they may also purchase additional personal liability coverage to protect against non-work-related incidents or supplement their employer’s coverage.

Student aircraft renters insurance 

As a student pilot, you must consider non-owned aircraft or renters insurance, also known as aircraft renters insurance, to protect yourself from damages or medical expenses while flying a rented aircraft. This insurance is not a federal requirement, but it’s recommended to mitigate financial risks. Annual premiums for minimum liability coverage can start at $71 for student pilots without experience. 

Student aircraft renters insurance

Aopa student pilot insurance

AOPA, or the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, offers a variety of insurance options for its members, including student pilot insurance. This insurance provides coverage for accidental injuries and liability while flying a non-owned aircraft, giving peace of mind to student pilots as they pursue their aviation training.

Aopa student pilot insurance

AOPA also offers Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance, with guaranteed coverage for members under 75. AOPA partners with Assured Partners Aerospace for pilots needing aviation insurance to offer special deals for members.

Additionally, non-owned aircraft insurance is available to cover liability when operating an aircraft not owned by the pilot. Those seeking pilot liability insurance can also explore options through XINSURANCE. 

AOPA offers student pilot insurance to its members, providing coverage for accidental injuries and liability while flying a non-owned aircraft. This insurance is designed to give peace of mind to student pilots as they pursue their aviation training and is a valuable benefit of AOPA membership. 

Life insurance for student pilots 

Life insurance for student pilots is determined by several factors, including age, family history, flight frequency, and whether the pilot is a professional. When underwriting life insurance, insurance companies assess the risks of insuring the pilot and determine the premium to charge accordingly as medical expenses while flying.

Life insurance for student pilots 

Life insurance premiums for student pilots can be as low as $71 per year for minimum liability coverage and can increase depending on the hull coverage needed. It is important to note that having a large life insurance policy as a student pilot may be unnecessary and costly, especially since, as a student pilot, your risk of death or injury is relatively low.

It may be more practical to opt for a smaller policy that covers final expenses or to wait until you have completed your training and have a full-time job with benefits.


N has a sizable life insurance policy and is a student pilot.

 A student pilot with a large life insurance policy may face additional fees known as flat extras for high-risk insureds, including student pilots. This fee can vary from $2.50 to $5 per $1,000 coverage, depending on how the insurance company classifies aviation. Moreover, certain features such as exclusions can limit the insurer’s obligation to pay out in case of N’s death while flying. 


In conclusion, obtaining student pilot insurance is crucial for any student pilot before they go solo for the first time. Protecting their legal and financial interests is essential in case of accidents or incidents.

Student pilot insurance is available under different names, such as renters or non-owned aviation insurance, and can vary in cost depending on the coverage needed. Overall, student pilot insurance is a wise investment for any aspiring pilot.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a pilot-in-training purchase a plane and obtain insurance?

Yes, a student pilot can buy an airplane and get insurance.

Do student pilots need insurance?

Yes, student pilots need insurance.

Does a student pilot need renters insurance?

Yes, a student pilot needs renters insurance or non-owned aviation insurance.

What insurance does a pilot need?

Pilots need different types of insurance, including liability, hull coverage, and life insurance.

What is pilot liability insurance?

Pilot liability insurance covers legal and financial obligations from an accident or incident involving the pilot’s aircraft.

Are student pilots considered pilots?

Yes, student pilots are considered pilots.

Do I need insurance to solo?

Yes, a student pilot needs insurance to solo.

What Questions Should I Ask When Looking for Insurance for Student Pilots?

When shopping for student pilot insurance, asking about coverage limits, deductibles, policy exclusions, and the insurance company’s financial rating is essential.


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