Best exotic pet insurance UK? Exotic pets are becoming increasingly popular in the UK as people branch out from traditional cats and dogs. Exotic pets, such as reptiles, guinea pigs, and bearded dragons, require special care and can be expensive to treat if they become ill. This is where exotic pet insurance comes in handy.
Exotic pet insurance is designed to cover the cost of vet care for injuries and illnesses common to the species in question, including exam fees, imaging, lab tests, and other medical expenses.
Insurance for your exotic pet is essential because it can provide financial protection and peace of mind, ensuring you can give your pet the best care possible without worrying about the cost.
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What is exotic pet insurance?
Exotic pet insurance is a type of insurance policy that covers veterinary costs for various injuries and medical conditions affecting exotic animals. It is similar to regular pet insurance but tailored to exotic pets’ unique needs and risks.

Depending on the insurance provider, exotic pet insurance can cover a range of animals, such as exotic birds, fish, pocket pets, amphibians, reptiles, and even larger animals, such as monkeys, large cats, and kangaroos.
The definition of an exotic pet can vary but generally includes any animal that is not a dog or a cat. This can include birds, rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, reptiles, amphibians, and even larger animals like monkeys and cats. Exotic pets often have unique health and safety requirements, making them more prone to certain medical conditions, injuries, and diseases.
This is why having an exotic pet insurance policy can provide peace of mind to pet owners by covering veterinary expenses in the event of an accident or illness.
It’s important to note that exotic pet insurance is not just for medical expenses. Some insurance policies can also provide liability coverage if the exotic pet causes property damage or injures someone.
Exotic pet insurance coverage varies depending on the provider and the type of policy chosen, so it’s essential to research and compare different options before selecting a policy. Pet insurance can help pay for the treatment your pet needs.
Why pet insurance for exotic pets is important?
Pet insurance is not limited to cats and dogs; it also extends to exotic pets. Exotic pet insurance is essential because it provides a safety net for pet owners in case their pets fall ill or is injured.

Some benefits of having insurance for exotic pets include the following:
- Financial Protection: Exotic pet insurance can help cover the costs of veterinary care for injuries and illnesses common to the species in question. This can help ease the financial burden that comes with the cost of caring for exotic pets, which can be higher than that of traditional pets like cats and dogs.
- Peace of Mind: Pet insurance can provide pet owners with peace of mind knowing that they can take their pet to the vet without worrying about the cost of the visit. This can also reduce the stress and anxiety that comes with not being able to afford necessary medical care for a beloved pet.
- Customizable Coverage: Exotic pet insurance policies can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the animal in question, ensuring that all necessary medical care is covered.
Despite the benefits of owning exotic pets, there are also risks associated with owning them. Some risks include:
- High Maintenance Costs: Exotic pets often require specialized care, which can be expensive. This includes veterinary care, specialized diets, and housing that mimics their natural environment.
- Increased Risk of Injury: Exotic pets can be dangerous, and owners must take the necessary precautions to keep themselves and their pets safe. This includes appropriately securing enclosures and providing training for handling and interacting with the animal.
- Limited Access to Medical Care: Exotic pets may require specialized veterinary care, which may not be readily available. This can result in delayed treatment or inadequate care.
How much is an exotic pet license?
An exotic pet license is a permit that grants an individual the legal right to own and keep an exotic animal as a pet. This license is necessary for many states to ensure that exotic animals are kept in appropriate conditions and that their owners know about their care.

The process and costs of obtaining an exotic pet license vary depending on the state and the animal classification. In Florida, for example, a standard license for an exotic pet costs $100, while a license for a dangerous animal costs $500. On the other hand, in Minnesota, animals may be charged a fee of $25 per year for each pet, with maximum annual charges of $250 for each person.
It is essential to note that some states require owners of exotic animals to obtain additional permits, such as a permit for importing and possessing the animal. In Oklahoma, for example, commercial breeders and owners of exotic animals must obtain a commercial wildlife breeder’s license before they can breed, possess, or raise native wildlife for commercial purposes.
Obtaining an exotic pet license may involve filling out an application and submitting it to the local government or animal control authority, providing proof of identity and residency, and demonstrating that you have the necessary knowledge and resources to care for the animal. Some states may also require a home inspection to ensure the animal is kept in appropriate conditions.
Exotic animal insurance cost
Exotic pet insurance can be expensive due to the unique needs and risks of caring for non-traditional pets. The cost of exotic pet insurance can vary depending on several factors.

One significant factor that affects the cost of exotic pet insurance is the type of animal being insured. Generally speaking, the more exotic the animal, the higher the insurance premium. For instance, insuring a reptile might cost between $10 and $100, while insuring a horse could cost upwards of $99 annually.
Another factor that affects the cost of exotic pet insurance is the level of coverage required. More comprehensive policies that cover a wide range of services, such as wellness care, accidents, illnesses, and surgery, are usually more expensive.
On the other hand, policies that offer limited coverage or exclude certain conditions may be more affordable. For example, a policy for a potbellied pig may cost $11.95 per month, while a policy for two to four animals of any size could cost $16.95 per month.
Other factors influencing the cost of exotic pet insurance include the pet’s age, breed, gender, and pre-existing medical conditions. For instance, certain breeds of dogs may be more susceptible to specific health problems, making them more expensive to insure.
Additionally, the animal’s age can affect the cost of insurance, with younger animals often costing less than older ones. Pre-existing medical conditions may also affect the cost of insurance, as some policies may exclude coverage for certain conditions.
Cost of Nationwide for exotic pets
Nationwide offers pet insurance plans for exotic pets, including birds, reptiles, and small mammals. The Nationwide Avian and Exotic Pet Plan (NAPPP) covers many expenses, including routine care, emergency care, and boarding fees. The company’s avian and exotic pet health insurance plan reimburses up to 90% of eligible veterinary expenses, including preventive care.

The cost of Nationwide’s exotic pet insurance plans varies depending on the type of pet, its age, and your location. The average cost of avian and exotic pet insurance through Nationwide is $9 per month, but prices can range from $16 a month for bird insurance to $9 a month for most exotic pets.
According to ConsumerAffairs, a plan for a large animal like a horse, llama, or potbellied pig costs $11.95 per month or $99 per year, while a plan for two to four animals of any size costs $16.95 per month or $149 per year. Nationwide’s website also provides a sample of the cost of pet wellness plans. Their Basic Plan covers two physical exams per policy term at $25 per exam, with a $50 annual limit.
It is important to note that policy eligibility may vary, and some species of avian and exotic pets may not be eligible for coverage. It is recommended to contact Nationwide directly to obtain a personalized quote based on your pet’s specific health needs and to confirm eligibility.
Exotic Pets Nationwide Insures
Nationwide is the only major pet insurance provider in the United States that offers traditional policies to animals other than dogs and cats.

Nationwide’s Avian & Exotic Pet Plan covers most birds and a wide range of exotic pets, including amphibians, chameleons, chinchillas, ferrets, geckos, gerbils, goats, guinea pigs, hamsters, hedgehogs, iguanas, lizards, mice, opossums, potbellied pigs, rats, rabbits, snakes, and sugar gliders.
The Plan covers accidents, illnesses, examinations, lab fees, prescriptions, X-rays, hospitalization, and more. To enroll in the Avian & Exotic Pet Plan, call 888-899-4874[1]. Exotic pet insurance is comparable to pet insurance for dogs or cats but is explicitly designed for exotic animals.
If an exotic animal has any accidents or develops an illness that requires diagnostic exams or treatments, then exotic pet insurance will cover it. Exotic pet insurance plans cover a range of medically necessary services that your pet might require following a sudden injury or if they get sick.
These plans are primarily identical to accident and illness coverage that you’ll find for dogs and cats with other providers. Exotic pets like birds, turtles, and rabbits may be more expensive to treat than dogs and cats. The medical care costs for exotic pets in these urgent situations can be very high, especially when specialty veterinarians and hospitals are involved.
Therefore it is vital to consider getting health insurance for your exotic pets. Nationwide offers coverage for most birds and a wide range of exotic pets for common health issues, including guinea pigs, ferrets, turtles, snakes, etc.
Small mammals
Nationwide offers enhanced health insurance plans for small exotic mammals (e.g., micro pigs, skunks, and pygmy hedgehogs), birds, reptiles, and amphibians that provide up to 90% reimbursement of vet bills.
However, homeowners insurance generally only covers wildlife damage caused by deer or bears and may not cover damage from smaller pests like squirrels and other rodents.
Livestock insurance is also available Nationwide and in Hartford for commercial livestock and high-volume animals such as horses, hogs, and cattle. You must check with your insurance provider to understand what is and isn’t covered in your policy and whether you need additional coverage for your small mammal.
Reptile insurance UK
Exotic Direct, RSPCA, British Pet Insurance, and ExoticDirect are some of the insurance providers in the UK that offer coverage for reptiles.

The cost of reptile insurance varies depending on the policy and provider. For example, Exotic Direct offers a Premier policy that costs £145.76 a year or 10 installments of around £14.57 and an Essential policy that costs £127.84 a year or 10 installments of approximately £12.78.
Reptile insurance policies may include vet fee cover up to £5,000, death and theft coverage, dental treatment, and behavioral or complementary therapies.
You must check with your insurance provider to understand what your policy doesn’t cover.
Guinea pig insurance UK
Exotic Direct, RSPCA, Guineapiggles, and HayPigs! are some of the insurance providers in the UK that offer coverage for guinea pigs. The cost of guinea pig insurance varies depending on the policy and provider. For example, Exotic Direct offers an Essential policy that provides £2,000 of vet fee cover for illness or injury, including dental or gastric-related issues.

Guinea pig insurance policies may include vet fee coverage for illness or injury, death, theft cover, and liability cover.
Bearded dragon insurance UK
British Pet Insurance and Exotic Direct are some of the UK’s insurance providers that offer bearded dragons coverage. British Pet Insurance offers coverage for up to £5,000 worth of vet fees, including accidental injury, theft, or illness, and advertising fees of up to £150.

Reptile Guide mentions that at the time of publishing, only one insurance company in the US offered a policy for exotic pets such as bearded dragons.
Exotic direct pet insurance
ExoticDirect is a UK-based pet insurance provider for birds, reptiles, and small mammals.

They have good customer service and offer coverage for vet fees, death, theft, and liability cover for exotic pets. also offers affordable exotic pet insurance plans that cover accidents and illnesses, examinations, lab fees, prescriptions, X-rays, hospitalization, and more. Nationwide is another provider in the US that offers insurance for exotic pets.
Compare exotic pet insurance.
Before we Compare exotic pet insurance, you should ask yourself the following questions: How much does exotic pet insurance cost? What does exotic pet insurance cover? What to consider before buying an exotic pet How much is an exotic pet license?

Exotic pets(unusual animals) usually need specialist care, so it’s important to cover yourself and your pet with insurance.
Exotic pet insurance is similar to regular pet insurance, covering unexpected visits to the vet, loss of your exotic Pet due to escape or theft, death of your Pet, illnesses, injuries, and more. However, not all standard vets can offer special care for exotic pets. Therefore, it is essential to have an insurance policy covering veterinary costs for various injuries and medical conditions affecting exotic animals.
Nationwide Pet Insurance is the only major provider that offers traditional policies to animals other than dogs and cats. Nationwide offers specialized policies for all animals – from iguanas to parakeets.
The company’s exotic pet plan doesn’t offer the same options and customization levels as its traditional Plan for dogs and cats but provides coverage for various species. Nationwide coverage varies by species and comes with a 14-day waiting period.
Pet Assure isn’t an insurance company but gives you access to discounts at participating veterinary offices. Typically, Pet Assure customers can save 25% on routine and emergency veterinary expenses, from exams and teeth cleanings to X-rays and cancer treatments.
The Plan includes no waiting period or deductibles. Other exotic pet insurance companies include Embrace Pet Insurance, Figo Pet Insurance, and Healthy Paws Pet Insurance & Foundation. However, these companies do not cover exotic pets as extensively as Nationwide does.
It is essential to compare multiple pet insurance companies if you own an exotic animal before choosing one that suits your needs best.
Nationwide Pet Insurance
Nationwide pet insurance covers dogs, cats, birds, and exotic pets. Nationwide’s Avian & Exotic Pet Plan and nationwide covers most birds and a wide range of exotic pets, including amphibians, chameleons, chinchillas, ferrets, geckos, gerbils, goats, guinea pigs, hamsters, hedgehogs, iguanas, lizards, mice, opossums, potbellied pigs, rats, rabbits snakes, and sugar gliders.

To enroll in the Avian & Exotic Pet Plan, call 888-899-4874. Nationwide is one of the few companies covering birds and exotic animals such as potbellied pigs and ferrets.
Nationwide offers four plans: Major Medical, which covers accidents and illnesses, including cancer and some hereditary conditions; Whole Pet with Wellness which covers preventive care in addition to accidents and illnesses; Pet Wellness which covers preventive care only; and Major Medical with Wellness, which combines the coverage of Major Medical with Whole Pet with Wellness.
The plans have a $250 annual deductible and defined benefit limits per condition or procedure. Several common hereditary conditions are excluded from coverage.
Nationwide pet insurance has provided pet owners peace of mind since 1982. It is the first and largest pet health insurance provider in the United States, with more than 780k insured pets. Nationwide is an A.M. Best A+ rated company (2016).
What Nationwide with good customer experience covers for exotic pets Nationwide’s exotic pet insurance plan includes coverage for Inpatient and outpatient treatments. For more information about Nationwide pet insurance, call 800-USA-PETS (800-872-7387) or visit
What insurance covers exotic pets?, 365 Pet Insurance, ConsumerAffairs, MarketWatch, and Prime Insurance Company are some insurance providers that offer coverage for exotic pets. The coverage options and cost may vary depending on the insurer and policy. Nationwide is one of the providers that offer coverage for birds, reptiles, and exotic pets.
How much is pet insurance for a reptile?
The cost of pet insurance for a reptile may vary depending on the insurer, policy, and coverage options. According to MarketWatch, pet insurance for a reptile costs $10 to $100, the average range for any pet insurance plan. Nationwide offers avian and exotic pet insurance plans that average around $9 per month. also offers an affordable exotic pet insurance plan that covers accidents and illnesses, examinations, lab fees, prescriptions, X-rays, hospitalization, and more.
What is the most exotic pet you can own in the UK?
In the UK, there are many legal exotic pets that you can own, but nearly any exotic animal requires a license to own. According to Ruffle Snuffle, some of the most unusual exotic pets you can keep in the UK include capybara, marmoset, octopus, sugar glider, and giant African land snail. There is currently no requirement for a license to keep most wild animal species in a captive environment in the UK. However, you must check with your local authorities and follow regulations regarding owning exotic pets.
Is tortoise insurance worth it?
Whether tortoise insurance is worth, it depends on individual circumstances. According to Tortoise Owner, it’s worth having tortoise insurance if you don’t have large amounts of savings or want to preserve your cash flow in case of unexpected vet bills. ExoticDirect offers tortoise insurance that covers up to £2,500 of vet fees. USA Today mentions that exotic pets will likely benefit the most from a health insurance plan that covers major accidents and illnesses. Pet Assure also offers pet health plans for turtles and other types of pets.
Is exotic pet insurance worth it?
Whether exotic pet insurance is worth, it depends on individual circumstances. According to ConsumerAffairs, the insurance costs for exotic animals are usually higher than regular pet insurance, but getting the most value out of your exotic animal is important. USA Today mentions that exotic pets will likely benefit the most from a health insurance plan that covers major accidents and illnesses. MarketWatch states that exotic pet insurance helps you avoid expensive vet bills when your Pet gets sick or injured and could even save your Pet’s life in an emergency. 365 Pet Insurance recommends buying a pet insurance policy if you have an exotic pet, even if it is hard to find. Healthy Paws Pet Insurance & Foundation and MetLife Pet Insurance are some of the best providers for exotic pets, according to Canine Journal.
In conclusion, pet owners have several options for the best exotic pet insurance UK. When choosing a policy, it is crucial to consider factors such as coverage options, exclusions, and pricing. By researching and selecting a reputable provider, you can protect your exotic Pet in case of illness, injury, or other unforeseen events.
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